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What kind of people work in a Greek primary school

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Here we are!!!

-I'm six years old. It's time to go to school!!! I'll learn a lot of things,...everything!!!
I'll meet new friends and....a teacher.!!!oh!!! a teacher...???
A man or a woman? A young one or an old one? a smiling or a stern one?

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There are a lot of teachers in Greece - like in all countries - but we'll see a common one.
He or She is from 20 to 65 years old.He works from the 1st of September to the 21st of June all the working days except Christmas holidays (December 24 to January 6) and Easter holidays(Fifteen days).
He works in the class every day for 4 to 6 working hours. He goes to school at 08.00 am and leaves at 13.30 pm. He has his own class which means that he teaches all the lessons in the class except gymnastics and English or French. (There are special teachers for these lessons)
His education is four years at university after his main education at school.

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